Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year, New Resolutions, and TOTAL WELLNESS!

WOW. It is 2013 and as I look back on the last half of 2012 I am blindsided as to where it actually went. I have been absent from the blog for a while - other things get in the way and "real life" takes over. But a new year brings with it new opportunities and I am ready to go at it fresh!

I am dubbing 2013 as a "year of total wellness" for me. I am taking this beyond just my cycling by starting a new business that focuses on actual TOTAL wellness. Throw in coaching CrossFit and for the first time in a long while the feeling of "doing what you love" is finally arriving at my door.

My new business is an opportunity for all. If you are interested in YOUR total wellness I implore you to visit my new website:

Contact me if you are interested in hearing what more there is to be gained by embracing total wellness! When I say TOTAL WELLNESS I am really speaking about four aspects: Personal Wellness, Physical Wellness, Financial Wellness, and Environmental Wellness. 

  • To up my game for personal wellness with this I am resolving to network more, talk to more people, commit to family time, and just have a bright outlook on life. It is time to up the game on the personal wellness aspect!
  • For physical wellness the resolution is to RIDE more, CROSSFIT more and just keep a steady pace to that training. I am also hoping for a return with a vengeance to Cycle Oregon goodness. Stay tuned. 2013 here I come for physical wellness.
  • Financial wellness. Who DOESN'T want this? Well, my new business is going to bring me financial wellness. I am resolving in 2013 to make it happen and will not be deterred by naysayers or party-poopers. Do you want to be a part of this and gain financial wellness? Visit my new site and get hold of me and I can help you.
  • As always, I am concerned about the environment. For myself and for my children. A renewed commitment to the environment goes without saying. In 2013 I am taking it to a new level.
So, here is to a renewed commitment and promise to make 2013 the best year yet!